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Dr Amira Draz

Dean of Health Sciences


Professor Amira Draz graduated from the faculty of physical therapy at Cairo University and was awarded her PhD at the same University in 2009. She was appointed as a Lecturer of Physical therapy Basic science department, then in 2014 she was promoted as assistant professor of Physical therapy, basic science department, in 2016 she awarded a diploma in clinical nutrition therapy, and finally in 2019 she acts as a professor of Physical therapy, basic science department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.

In 2014, Professor Amira Draz joined/worked in the physical therapy department of the Faculty of Applied Health Science, King Abdelaziz University Jeddah, KSA.

In addition to her departmental roles in research and teaching, since 2015 she has been the Head and Leader of the Quality assurance Unit in the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, leading the Faculty to obtain international accreditation from WCPT in 2017 and renewing the national accreditation for another five years 2019-2023.
Dr Amira also works as external auditor for Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt (as the Representative of Physical Therapy, Egypt).