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The Austrian Space Forum Was Hosted by Egyptian Space Agency on Our Campus

March 17, 2022

OeWF, an Austrian Space Forum and a leading institution that conducts Mars analog missions, was hosted by the University of Hertfordshire in Egypt in collaboration with the Egyptian Space Agency on Wednesday February 23rd. The workshop, which was an open invitation to all engineering students, academics and space enthusiasts, was led by the following: Dr. Gernot Groemer (OeWF director), Ms. Sophie Gruber (AMADEE Leadership) and Mr. Reinhard Tlustos -(OeWF board member). Furthermore, it was attended by a number of top-achieving high-school students from specific schools who were selected to join us. The day was divided according to an organized and pre-planned schedule: The first session included an introduction to the red planet itself, the second session discussed journey preparations to Mars through analogue missions, while the third session included impressions from the past analogue mission.

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